Our church name translates Forest of Grace Christ Church, and it felt like it today! Our pastor is a Korean MTW missionary and he made arrangements for a group called Jubilee Boys & Girls Choir to come from Korea for several concerts in Japan. We had them at our church along with some other participants in a concert this afternoon.
In the morning service the choir wore these colorful t-shirts
Great Thanksgiving meal after the service. That's a COSTCO turkey under the foil!
Rice balls with seaweed on top.
Was told these were Korean specialty sweets. Tasted like deep fried rice krispy treats rolled in sesame. Really delicious!
Can't resist the camera
This guy said it was his first time to carve a turkey but you'd never have known it.
Blond haired missionary kid draws a crowd
A street nearby - fall is here!
The choir changed into these uniforms for the afternoon concert
The church kids presented the choir with homemade gifts and candy necklaces
Group pic with Pastor Han sitting on floor
Snack time after the concert
Some videos:
The Jubilee Choir
Forgot the name but you'll probably recognize the song.
Beatles "I Will"
Beatles "The Long and Winding Road"
Here is the church children's CE group. Ever have one of those times when it's all too much and you are just too tired or embarrassed to sing along with the rest of the group? This little kid reached a limit and sorta shut down. Wouldn't join the others but still wanted to be up there. Wouldn't look at the audience but checked out the camera a little (and seemed to enjoy the other kid getting in trouble).
As the evening went on, things got a little rowdy. Here the church ensemble does a rousing rendition of what I think was called, "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah."