Dave & Barb Bindewald

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Japan Relief Trip - Day 4 (Sunday) Continued

 We worshiped today at Help Tohoku's refurbished house in the midst of the tsunami damage. Asako has spent 3 years in the US and came to help.

 It was quite an unusual service, with people from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Africa

At the end of the message, Mr. Konno (to my left) a Japanese man, prayed to receive Christ! He had ridden his bicycle from Tokyo (!) The African man is a traveling evangelist, and his wife is German.

 To say the people who brought Mr. Konno to the service were overjoyed is an understatement. The man on the left in the red shirt said he was an unbeliever, but wanted to think more about becoming a Christian first.

 Please pray for your new brother in Christ, that he might be enfolded into a good fellowship of believers soon.

After church we went to a yaki niku restaurant where you cook your own meat at the table.

After we got home, we walked on the same beach Paul & I walked on back in April which was just 6 weeks after the tsunami. The cliff in the background is the same general view. This shows just how much has been cleaned up.

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